Jacquie van Ierssel PT, PhD, MScRehab, BScPT, BPE, FCAMPT, SPC Diploma, CAFCI

Founder, R2P™ Concussion Management


Since 2013, I have provided evidence-based concussion management education to over 1000 clinicians globally.  



Dr. Jacquie van Ierssel is a CAMPT physiotherapist and postdoctoral fellow at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario. Her ongoing research focuses on improving how to measure balance and functional outcomes following concussion to aid clinical decision-making regarding recovery and return to sport. Her research has been published in high-impact peer reviewed journals. In her doctoral research she developed the Concussion Recovery Questionnaire (CORE-Q), a concussion-specific measure of the functional capacity that measures how long a person can perform a task before the onset or worsening of symptoms. Jacquie founded R2P™ Concussion Management to promote a systematic and evidence based approach to best-practice concussion assessment and treatment has instructed over 1000 healthcare professionals globally. She is an expert panelist for the Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation Living pediatric Concussion Guidelines, and has contributed to the WSIB mTBI program of care guidelines. She has been a clinical instructor at the University of Toronto Department of Physical Therapy and is past chair of Sport Physiotherapy Canada, Ontario Section. As an invited speaker at many professional conferences, Jacquie has spoken about the evidence-based management of concussion across the country.

She graduated from the Department of Physical Therapy at the University of Toronto in 1998, after first obtaining a Bachelor of Physical Education degree from the University of Western Ontario in 1994.  She also holds an MSc (Rehabilitation) from McMaster University, where her research focused on return to sport following ACL reconstruction.  Jacquie has gone on to complete the highest level of post-graduate diplomas in both advanced orthopaedics and sports physiotherapy, earning her FCAMPT in 2004 and SPC diploma in 2007.  She has also successfully completed a competency-based certification in vestibular rehabilitation at Emory University. Additionally, she obtained her certification in acupuncture from the Canadian Acupuncture Foundation of Canada, and is a nationally-accredited certified strength and conditioning specialist and a certified sports first responder.  

As an orthopaedic and sport physiotherapist, Jacquie has over 20 years of experience working with concussed athletes from a recreational level through to and including Olympic athletes.  She has worked extensively with national sports teams to provide on-field and clinical care with Gymnastics Canada, Skate Canada, Athletics Canada, Special Olympics, and the University of Toronto. Her continuum of care included facilitating neurocognitive baseline testing, acute on-field assessment of injured athletes, management of acute and persistent postconcussion symptoms, exercise progressions, and return to school, work, and sport. 

Professional and competent!
— Anonymous student feedback

Publications and Presentations

Peer-Reviewed Publications


1.     Ledoux AA, Sicard V, Bijelic V, Barrowman N, van Ierssel J, Beer D, Boutis K, Burns E, Craig W, Freedman SB, Gagnon I. Symptom Recovery in Children Aged 5 to 12 Years With Sport-Related and Non–Sport-Related Concussion. JAMA Network Open. 2024 Dec 2;7(12):e2448797-.

2.     van Ierssel J, Galea O, Holte K, Luszawaski C, Jenkins E, O’Neil J, Emery C, Mannix R, Schneider K, Yeates K, Zemek R. (2023). How completely are RCTs of non-pharmacological interventions following concussion reported? A systematic review. Journal of Sport and Health Science. Online Aug 22, 2023.

3.     Patricios J, Davis G, Ahmed O, Blauwet C, Schneider G, Purcell L, Echemendia R, Frémont P, Fuller G, Herring S, Harmon K, Loosemore M, Makdissi M, O’Halloran P, Putukian M, Turner M, Webborn N, Yeates K, van Ierssel J, Schneider KJ. (2023). Introducing the Sports Concussion Office Assessment Tool 6 (SCOAT6): Background, rationale and development. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 57(11), 648-650.

4.     Patricios J, Schneider G, van Ierssel J, Purcell L, Davis G, Echemendia R, Frémont P, Fuller G, Herring S, Harmon K, Holte K, Loosemore M, Makdissi M, McCrea M, Meehan W, O’Halloran P, Premji Z, Putukia M, Shill I, Turner M, Vaandering K, Webborn N, Yeates K, Schneider K. (2023). Sport-concussion office assessment tool-6 (SCOAT6).  . British Journal of Sports Medicine. 57(11), 651-667.

5.     Davis G, Patricios J, Purcell L, Anderson V, Gioia G, Giza C, Yeates K, Ahmed O, Blauwet C, Corwin D, Master C, Schneider G, van Ierssel J, Echemendia R, Frémont P, Fuller G, Herring S, Harmon K, Holter K, Loosemore M, Makdissi M, McCrea M, Meehan W, O’Halloran P, Premji Z, Putukian M, Shill I, Turner M, Vaandering Z, Webborn N, Schneider K.  (2023). Introducing the Child Sport Concussion Office Assessment Tool 6 (Child SCOAT6). British Journal of Sports Medicine. 57(11), 668-671.

6.     Davis G, Patricios J, Purcell L, Anderson V, Gioia G, Giza C, Yeates K, Ahmed O, Blauwet C, Corwin D, Master C, Schneider G, van Ierssel J, Echemendia R, Frémont P, Fuller G, Herring S, Harmon K, Holter K, Loosemore M, Makdissi M, McCrea M, Meehan W, O’Halloran P, Premji Z, Putukian M, Shill I, Turner M, Vaandering Z, Webborn N, Schneider K.  (2023). Child SCOAT6. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 57(11), 672-688.

7.     Echemendia R, Ahmed O, Bailey C, Bruce J, Burma J, Davis G, Gioia G, Howell D, Fuller G, Master C, van Ierssel J, Pardini J, Schneider K, Walton S, Zemek R, Patricios J. (2023). Introducing the Concussion Recognition Tool 6 (CRT6). British Journal of Sports Medicine. 57(11), 689-691.

8.     Echemendia R, Ahmed O, Bailey C, Bruce J, Burma J, Davis G, Gioia G, Howell D, Fuller G, Master C, van Ierssel J, Pardini J, Schneider K, Walton S, Zemek R, Patricios J. (2023). The Concussion Recognition Tool 6 (CRT6). British Journal of Sports Medicine. 57(11), 692-694.

9.     Echemendia R, Burma J, Bruce J, Davis G, Giza C, Guskiewicz K, Naidu D, Black A, Broglio S, Kemp S, Patricios J, Putukian M, Zemek R, Arango-Lasprilla JC, Bailey C, Brett B, Didehbani N, Gioia G, Herring S, Howell D, Master C, Valovich McLeod T, Meehan W, Premji A, Salmon D, van Ierssel J, Bhathela N, Makdissi M, Walton S, Kissick J, Pardini J, Schneider K. (2022). Acute evaluation of sport-related concussion and implications for the SCAT Tools: A systematic review. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 57(11), 722-735.

10.   Patricios J, Schneider G, van Ierssel J, Purcell L, Davis G, Echemendia R, Frémont P, Fuller G, Herring S, Harmon K, Holte K, Loosemore M, Makdissi M, McCrea M, Meehan W, O’Halloran P, Premji Z, Putukian M, Shill I, Turner M, Vaandering K, Webborn N, Yeates K, Schneider K. (2023). Beyond acute assessment to office management. A systematic review informing the development of a Sports Concussion Office Assessment Tool (SCOAT6) for adults and children. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 57(11), 737-748.

11.   van Ierssel J, Tang K, Beauchamp M, Bresee N, Cortel-LeBlanc A, Craig W, Doan Q, Gravel J, Lyons T, Mannix R, Orr S, Zemek R, and Yeates, KO on behalf of the Pediatric Emergency Research Canada A-CAP study team. (2023). Association of Posttraumatic Headache With Symptom Burden After Concussion in Children.  JAMA Network Open. 6(3), e231993-e231993.

12.   O'Neil J, van Ierssel J, King J, Sveistrup H. (2023) Telerehabilitation Implementation: Perspectives from Physiotherapists Working in Complex Care. Physiotherapy Canada. 76(4).

13.   Engel J*, van Ierssel J*, Osmond M, Tsampalieros A, Webster R, Zemek R. (2023). Return to the emergency department within three months following pediatric acute concussion.  Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation.  38(4), 319-328. *Contributed equally as first-authors.

14.   Caron J, Cadotte G, Collict C, van Ierssel J, Podlog L. (2022). Exploring the factors involved in being “ready” to return to sport following a concussion. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine.  33(4), 395-404.

15.   van Ierssel J, O’Neil J, King J, Zemek R, Sveistrup H. (2022). Clinician perspectives on providing concussion assessment and management via telehealth: a mixed-methods study.  Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation.  doi: 10.1097/HTR.0000000000000827.

16.   van Ierssel J, Ferdinand Pennock K, Sampson M, Zemek R, Caron J. (2022). Which psychosocial factors are associated with return to sport following concussion?  A systematic review.  Journal of Sport and Health Science. 11, 438-449.

17.   Johnston S, Cortel-LeBlanc A, van Ierssel J, Anderson C, Laing S, Legace L, Zemek, R, et al. (2022). Developing an innovative evidence-based virtual concussion exam for family physicians.  The Annals of
Family Medicine
.  April, 20(Suppl 1), 2650.

18.   van Ierssel J, Osmond M, Hamid J, Sampson M, & Zemek R. (2021). What is the risk of recurrent concussion in children and adolescents aged 5–18 years? A systematic review and meta-analysis. British Journal of Sports Medicine55(12), 663-669.

19.   van Ierssel J, Ledoux AA, Tang K, Zemek R. (2021). Sex-based differences in symptoms with mouthguard use following pediatric sport-related concussion. Journal of Athletic Training. 56(11), 1188-1196.

20.   van Ierssel J. (2021). Development of the Concussion Recovery Questionnaire: a self-report outcome measure of functional status following concussion (PhD Academy Award). British Journal of Sports Medicine. 55,573-574. 

21.   van Ierssel J, Ledoux AA, Tang K, Correll R, Yeates KO, Gioia G, Freedman S, et al. (2020). Symptom burden, school function, and physical activity one-year following pediatric concussion. Journal of Pediatrics. 228, 190-198.

22.   van Ierssel J, Sveistrup H, Marshall S, & Graham I. (2020). The concussion recovery questionnaire (CORE-Q): conceptual model development and item generation of a concussion-specific measure of functional status. Brain injury34(5), 619-629.

23.   van Ierssel J, O'Neil J, Sveistrup H, Marshall S, Graham I. (2020). A qualitative study of persons with persistent postconcussion symptoms and clinicians with concussion expertise to inform the development of a concussion-specific questionnaire. Disability and Rehabilitation. 43(23), 3365-3376.

24.   O’Neil J, van Ierssel J, & Sveistrup H. (2019). Remote supervision of rehabilitation interventions for survivors of moderate or severe traumatic brain injury: A scoping review. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare. 26(9), 520-535.

25.   van Ierssel J, Sveistrup H, & Marshall, S. (2018). Protocol for the mixed-methods development of a concussion-specific health-related quality of life outcome measure based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. BMJ open8(7), e022240-e022240.

26.   van Ierssel J, Sveistrup H, & Marshall S. (2018). Identifying the concepts contained within health-related quality of life outcome measures in concussion research using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health as a reference: a systematic review. Quality of Life Research. 27(12), 3071-3086. 


Referred Abstracts

1.     van Ierssel J, Webster R, Hayawi L, Ledoux AA, Howell D, Sicard V, Zemek R. 3.36 Development of a Pragmatic Dual-Task Balance Test in Adolescents with Acute Concussion. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 2024;58:A96.

2.     van Ierssel J, Galea O, Holte K, Luszawski C, Jenkins E, O’Neil J, Emery C, Mannix R, Schneider K, Yeates K, Zemek R. 5.13 We cannot translate evidence into clinical practice unless we know how non-pharmacological interventions following concussion are described. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 2024;58:A106.

3.     van Ierssel J, Ferdinand Pennock K, Sampson M, Zemek R, Caron J.  8.9 Which psychosocial factors are associated with return to sport following concussion? A systematic review. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 2024;58:A43-A44. 

4.     van Ierssel J, Osmond M, Zemek R.  What is the risk of recurrent concussion in children and adolescents aged 5–18 years? A systematic review and meta-analysis. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 2024;58:A62. 

5.     van Ierssel J, Ledoux A, Tang K, Zemek, R.  11.26 Sex-based differences in symptoms with mouthguard use following pediatric sport-related concussion. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 2024;58:A62-A63.

6.     van Ierssel J, Ledoux AA, Tang K, Zemek R.  9.21 Symptom burden, school function, and physical activity one year following pediatric concussion.  British Journal of Sports Medicine. 2024;58:A51-A52.

7.     Osmond M, Ledoux A, van Ierssel J,Tang R, Zemek.  6.7 Predicting persistent symptoms in children (aged 5 to 12 years) with an acute sport-related concussion. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 2024;58:A31.

8.     van Ierssel, J. The role of physiotherapy in concussion management. Canadian Physiotherapy Association Congress Book of Abstracts (Halifax, NS, June 2015).


Book Chapters


1.     Marshall S & van Ierssel J.  (2022). Management of Concussion and Persistent Postconcussion Symptoms. Chapter 8 . In Tackling the Concussion Epidemic: A Bench to Bedside Approach.  Springer Nature. Ed. Schweizer & Baker.


Conference Presentations


1.     van Ierssel J, Beauchamp M, Craig W, Doan Q, Gravel J, Zemek R, Zhang C, Yeates K. Global functional outcomes 3- and 6-months following pediatric concussion. 14th World Congress on Brain Injury (Dublin, IE; March 30, 2023).

2.     van Ierssel J. When is an athlete psychologically ready to return to sport following concussion? Sport Information Resource Centre, Concussion in Sport Symposium (March 1, 2023).  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zu2A8So71Ho&t=3s

3.     O'Neil J, van Ierssel J, King J, Sveistrup H. Telerehabilitation Implementation During COVID-19: a Mixed-Method Study Reporting Perspectives from Canadian Physiotherapists. OPA InterACTION 2022 Congress (Accepted October 29, 2021; Virtual March 25-26, 2022). *Conference cancelled due to COVID-19.

4.     Johnston S, Zemek R, Leddy J, Hafizi R, Cortel-LeBlanc A, van Ierssel J, Anderson C, Reed N, Laing S, Legace L.  Developing an innovative evidence-based virtual concussion exam for family physicians.  North American Primary Care Research Group, Annual Meeting Conference (Virtual; November 22, 2021). 

5.     van Ierssel J.  Assessing Balance post-Concussion with Dual-Task Evaluation (ABCDE study): Derivation and validation of a clinical biomarker to discriminate concussed youth from healthy controls as an objective measure to diagnose concussion and measure recovery.  Canadian Traumatic Brain Injury Research Consortium (CTRC) Scientific Meeting (Lake Louise, AB; January 22, 2020).

6.     van Ierssel J.  Assessing Balance post-Concussion with Dual-Task Evaluation (ABCDE study): Derivation and validation of a clinical biomarker to discriminate concussed youth from healthy controls as an objective measure to diagnose concussion and measure recovery.  NFL SHRed Concussion Annual Scientific Meeting (Calgary, AB; January 21, 2020).

7.     van Ierssel J. Development of a new measure of participation for patients with persistent post-concussion symptoms: the Ottawa Concussion Recovery Questionnaire (Ottawa CORE).  Canadian Traumatic Brain Injury Research Consortium (CTRC) Scientific Meeting (Lake Louise, AB; January 23, 2019).

8.     van Ierssel J.  Development of a concussion-specific outcome measure for functional capacity: the Concussion Activities and Participation Scale (CAPS). Concussion Ontario Network: Neurinformatics to Enhance Clinical-care and Translation (CONNECT) 2nd Annual Workshop (Toronto, ON; November 29, 2018).

9.     van Ierssel J. Management of Concussion.  Keynote speaker.  Ontario Physiotherapy Association, Orthopaedic Division Annual General Meeting (Toronto, ON; September 2018).

10.   van Ierssel, J. Concussions - an update on evidence-based management. Janeway Kids Rock Pediatric Emergency Conference and Webinar (St. John’s, NL; September 2017).

11.   van Ierssel, J. Most recent evidence and clinical application of managing post-concussion symptoms. Keynote speaker. Manitoba Physiotherapy Association Annual General Meeting (Winnipeg, MB; April 2017).

12.   van Ierssel, J. Evidence-based management of concussion. InterACTION Annual Conference (Toronto, ON; April 2016).

13.   van Ierssel, J. The role of physiotherapy in the management of concussion. Canadian Physiotherapy Association National Congress (Halifax, NS; June 2015). 

14.   van Ierssel, J. The role of physiotherapy in concussion management. Canadian Physiotherapy Association, Orthopaedic Division Annual General Meeting (Toronto, ON; May 2015).

15.   van Ierssel, J. The role of allied health in concussion management. Queen’s University, School of Rehabilitation Therapy: Clinical Instructors Educational Session (Peterborough, ON; November 2014).

16.   van Ierssel, J. The role of physiotherapy in the management of concussions. University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine: Interprofessional Curriculum on Concussions (2013).


Poster Presentations


1.     van Ierssel J, Webster R, Hayawi L, Ledoux AA, Howell D, Sicard V, Zemek R. Development of a Pragmatic Dual-Task Balance Test in Adolescents with Acute Concussion. 6th International Consensus Conference on Concussion in Sport (Amsterdam, NL; October 27-29, 2022).

2.     van Ierssel J, Galea O, Holte K, Luszawski C, Jenkins E, O’Neil J, Emery C, Mannix R, Schneider K, Yeates K, Zemek R. We cannot translate evidence into clinical practice unless we know how non-pharmacological interventions following concussion are described.  A systematic review. 6th International Consensus Conference on Concussion in Sport (Amsterdam, NL; October 27-29, 2022).  

3.     van Ierssel J, Ferdinand Pennock K, Sampson M, Zemek R, Caron J.  How is psychological readiness to return to sport following a concussion currently being assessed?  A mixed-studies scoping review.  6th International Consensus Conference on Concussion in Sport (Amsterdam, NL; October 27-29, 2022). 

4.     van Ierssel J, Osmond M, Zemek R.  Risk of Repeat Concussion or Subsequent Musculoskeletal Injury Following Pediatric Concussion: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.  6th International Consensus Conference on Concussion in Sport (Amsterdam, NL; October 27-29, 2022).

5.     van Ierssel J, Ledoux AA, Tang K, Zemek R.  Symptom burden, school functioning, and physical activity outcomes one-year following acute pediatric concussion including subsequent repeat concussion.  6th International Consensus Conference on Concussion in Sport (Amsterdam, NL; October 27-29, 2022). 

6.     van Ierssel J, Ledoux AA, Tang K, Zemek R.  The Effect of Mouthguard Use on Symptom Scores in Males and Females Within the First Month Following Pediatric Sport-Related Concussion.  6th International Consensus Conference on Concussion in Sport (Amsterdam, NL; October 27-29, 2022). 

7.     Cadotte G, Podlog L, Collict C, van Ierssel J, Caron J. Which factors do athletes, coaches, and sport stakeholders believe are involved in returning to sport following a concussion? Canadian Concussion Network/Réseau Canadien des Commotions (CCN-RCC) 2nd Annual Meeting (Montreal, Quebec, June 4-6, 2022).

8.     O'Neil J, van Ierssel J, King J, Sveistrup H. Barriers and Opportunities for Telerehabilitation Reported from Canadian Physiotherapists: a Mixed-Method Study. Canadian Physiotherapy Association Congress (Virtual May 12-14, 2022).

9.     O’Neil J, van Ierssel J, Sveistrup H. Remote Rehabilitation for survivors of moderate or severe traumatic brain injury: a scoping review. American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM), Chicago, IL, November 5-7, 2019.

10.   van Ierssel, J.  Development of a Concussion-Specific Health-Related Quality of Life Outcome Measure Based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health.  University Health Network Traumatic Brain Injury Conference. (Toronto, ON, February 2018).

11.   van Ierssel, J. Content comparison of HRQOL instruments based on the ICF Core Sets for mTBI: a systematic review. University Health Network Traumatic Brain Injury Conference. (Toronto, ON, January 2015).


Speaking Engagements and Media


1.     Beneath the skull: football and concussions.  The Charlatan (July 13, 2020).

2.     Concussion in Women.  Elevate Health Tech Fest.  Panel discussion; invited speaker (September 2018). 

3.     Tips to deal with concussions.  Rogers TV: Daytime Ottawa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEnnokOxGb8 (October 2017).

4.     #PhysiotherapyHelpsLives. Ontario Physiotherapy Association: Discoverphysiotherapy.ca https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEiLT61Bdaw&feature=youtu.be (June 2017).

External Reviewer

Concussion Management: A Toolkit for Physiotherapists; Physiotherapy Alberta – College and Association

Invited Speaker

Annual General Meeting, Manitoba Orthopaedic Division and Sport Physiotherapy Canada, Winnipeg.  Most Recent Evidence and Clinical Applications of Managing Post-Concussion Symptoms; April 8, 2017

Annual General Meeting, Manitoba Orthopaedic Division and Sport Physiotherapy Canada, Winnipeg.  Acute On-Field Care of Concussions; April 8, 2017

InterACTION Annual Conference, Ontario Physiotherapy Association, Toronto. Evidence-Based Management of Concussion; April 9, 2016. 

National Congress, Canadian Physiotherapy Association, Halifax. The Role of Physiotherapy in Concussion Management; June 18-20, 2015.

Annual General Meeting, Ontario Section of the Orthopaedic Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association, Toronto. The Role of Physiotherapy in Concussion Management; May 30, 2015.