Evidence-based concussion management.
A systematic and evidence-based approach to best-practice concussion assessment and treatment.
R2P Concussion Management® provides clinicians with up-to-date best-practice knowledge and skills based on international expert consensus guidelines and evidence-based research from peer-reviewed publications. Understand the continuum of concussion care from prevention, detection, and management of acute concussion to the management of persistent postconcussion symptoms and return to school, work, and sport. Learn how to identify potential causes of persistent postconcussion symptoms through a series of unique clinical reasoning algorithms for the differential diagnosis of post-traumatic headaches and dizziness. Learn an evidence-based approach to treating persistent postconcussion symptoms using vision and vestibular rehabilitation, graded exercise, energy conservation, and sleep management using case studies. Learn the facts about alternative treatments. Be a part of our concussion community and provide better patient care.
R2P Concussion Management® Founder, Jacquie van Ierssel PT, PhD
R2P Concussion Management® Courses
Prevention, Assessment, and Management of Acute Concussion
Learn the pathophysiology, biomechanics, and prevention strategies for concussion. Learn up-to-date guidance from international consensus statements how to assess and manage an acute concussion to ensure safe return to school, work, and sport.
Assessment of Persistent Postconcussion Symptoms
Learn an evidence-based, systematic approach to identify which systems may be causing persistent postconcussion symptoms and how to determine the most appropriate treatment using case-based examples.
Treatment of Persistent Postconcussion Symptoms
Learn an evidence-based approach to treating persistent postconcussion symptoms using vision and vestibular rehabilitation, graded exercise, energy conservation, and sleep management using case studies. Learn the facts about alternative treatments.